
Merricat's Teacher Laura Scheuing Reads Out Loud Fun Stories

Merricat’s teacher Laura Scheuing reads out loud three fun children’s stories: The Gruffalo, written by Julia Donaldson, Star in the Jar, written by Sam Hay, and Edwina: The Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct, written by Mo Willems. These tales, which are suitable for children aged between 3 to 5, will inspire them to become more imaginative and curious about the world around them. We hope you enjoy!

The Gruffalo, written by Julia Donaldson

Star in the Jar, written by Sam Hay

Edwina: The Dinosaur Who Didn’t Know She Was Extinct, written by Mo Willems

Merricat's Teachers Read Out Loud the "What Do You Do" Series

Sometimes, life gets confusing and we need some guidance on what we should do. Koi Yamada’s “What Do You Do” series helps children understand how they navigate various life events.

Merricat’s teachers Jeff and Amanda read out loud “What Do You Do With an Idea?” and “What Do You Do With a Chance?“ in the videos below. If you like them, you can check out other books in his series like “What Do You Do With a Change?” or “What Do You Do with a Problem?”

What Do You Do With an Idea?

What Do You Do With a Chance?

Make pancakes and banana bread with Merricat's teachers!

We understand that change can be unsettling for children, and we want to help create a sense of continuity and familiarity for them. Since ABC children enjoy learning how to cook or bake with their teachers, Merricat’s teachers recorded videos making pancakes and baking banana bread.

Bake Banana Bread with Jennifer

Make pancakes and listen to a story about a pig who loves pancakes

You can supplement the yummy pancakes you make with If You Give a Pig a Pancake, a delightful story about a little girl making pancakes for her pig friend. You can listen to a Merricat’s teacher read out loud this story here while you eat.

Merricat's Teachers Read Out Loud Stories about Love and Friendship

I Like Myself, written by Karen Beaumont

Guess How Much I Love You, written by Sam McBratney

The Friend Ship, written by Kat Yeh

In these videos, Merricat’s teachers read out loud stories about love and friendship. These stories teach the value of loving ourselves and those around us, and they are sure to warm our hearts!

How to Make a Flexible Home Schedule during COVID-19

In this video, a Merricat’s teacher shares how she structured her schedule in the Rainbow Room and offers advice on how to create a flexible, home-based schedule. Having a flexible structure can provide children a sense of comfort and continuity and help caregivers feel grounded during the coronavirus crisis.

Merricat's Castle School Teachers Read Out Loud Our Favorite Stories

Merricat’s teachers read out loud three of our favorite stories for all ABC children so they can continue to learn and thrive at home!

I Am Not a Fox, by Karina Wolf, is a story of Luca, who looks like a fox but acts like a dog. He likes to chase cats and yip at mailmen. Follow along Luca’s adventure in the first story.

The Very Cranky Bear, by Nick Bland, is about four animal friends’ efforts to cheer up a very cranky and grumpy bear. What will finally make the bear happy? Watch the second video to find out!

Where Are You From, by Yamile Saied Méndez, is the perfect read for children who feel different than their peers. A tale of a girl who keeps getting asked where she is really from and her wise abuelo, this story explores the themes of identity and self-acceptance.